Not really anarchist… but vaguely headed in that direction.

A guitar that is designed for:
radical repairability – as many parts as possible are digitally fabricated, and the guitar itself contains a Raspberry Pi that contains the files needed to recreate the parts. Theoretically at some point in the future you could plug it into a digital fabricator and it can reproduce itself
radical upgradeability – the outer panels are laser-cut so the look and feel can be quickly changed to pretty much anything you can imagine… and the Raspberry Pi (which is AI-capable) offer open-ended possibilities with regards effects, and tone-shaping etc.
resilience – it is designed to work as a regular guitar if the electronics go down, and as much as possible is hot-swappable. You can have physical backups of the computers, electronics etc.
freedom from rent-seeking – Creative Commons share-alike licence. Do what you like with it, just don’t turn it into an artificial scarcity that can be rented out as “intellectual property”

It is (in a nutshell) the world’s most elaborate Raspberry Pi enclosure.

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